Friday, January 9, 2009


Some say that change is the spice of life and that may be. It doesn't stop the change from being terrifying to most people. The mother whose children have grown and moved on to their own lives. The professional who gets "downsized" just before retirement. The woman getting divorced. Sometimes, I think, it can be just too much to take. The trick to surviving times like these is to keep in mind that human beings are very resilient. Like grandma always said, "what does not kill you can only make you stronger!" It is important to remember that you are strong and just need to have some faith in yourself. Look in the mirror and say "I AM STRONG and I CAN SURVIVE THIS." Find the inner strength that is within you and be your own best friend.
Brightest Blessings to all who read this!!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Lost: My friend Scott. Don't have many details to give you. Not even sure where he was last seen but I do know that he hasn't been around in a while. I like his geocaching blog, it is cool. I REALLY MISS his poetry blog though. Anyway, he is a great guy with a hell of a sense of humor and a wonderful smile. If you happen to run across him please send him back.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

O-kay, I know I have been gone for a while but I think I am back. Hello to all my friends out there! Lots going on lately, most important is the graduation of Samantha, my youngest child. It is an extremely happy and exciting time. She is moving into her own apartment and has her first job. I an so proud. I am also profoundly sad! This is MY BABY we are talking about. Would help if I liked the guy she is dating; but I don't. Anyway, it is her life, and like everyone else, she deserves the chance to make her own mistakes.

On to other things. I am trying to learn how to start plants from seeds and mature them properly so they will survive outside. Tried this for the first time this year; lets just say it wasn't a resounding success. I am proud to say that it wasn't a complete failure either! The lilies are going to live but, out of 10 pepper plants only 1 survived and he's not looking so hot. I also tried to start poppy seeds but none of those survived. Not sure what I did but, they died in a very early stage. The fact that they germinated is enough incentive to get me to try again!
I had my oral surgery on april 1st and am happy to report that all is healing well. The stitches are completely gone and i feel so good! Even without my new teeth, I am already eating things that I haven't eaten in a long time. Apples are so yummy!
My garden is blooming and growing like crazy! This makes me so excited I can't stand myself. I cannot describe the feeling I get each morning as I awake to this wondrous site and know that I helped to create it. Daffodils and Tulips have bloomed. My Bleeding Heart has tripled in size from last year. The Irises and Lilies are beginning to get flower buds.

Well, I guess that's about all for now. I will get some new pics of the garden posted soon as I can. I will be back soon, goddess willing. Brightest Blessings to all who read this.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Astrological Prayer

Alright, no one get offended. I received this in an e-mail and thought it was funny and cute. S0; since it is so cute and funny I thought I would share with all of my friends out there in cyber space.


Astrological Prayer

Dear God, please give my patience........and could you do it right now?

Dear God, help me accept change, but not too fast.

Dear God! Who is God? Where is God? Why is God?


Dear God!!!!


Dear God, please God make us prefect and don't mess it up like You did the last time.


Dear God, help me to be decisive, on the other hand, what do you think is best?

Our father, forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors, even though the B****ds don't deserve it!

Dear Lord, if I've told you once, I've told you a million times, help me stop exaggerating.


Dear God, I'd like to ask you to help me, but i learned a long time ago not to rely on anyone else.

Dear God, I know I like change, but this chaos is ridiculous!

Dear Lord, as long as I'm going to drink this fifth of scotch tonight, please use the stimulation for thy glory.


I still think that this is very cute.
I am a Pisces and since I am not really a drinker I guess it is not quite me. Leave me a comment and let me know if your sign fits you.
