Tuesday, March 11, 2008

What the Hell is Wrong with People

Maybe someone out there can help me; what is wrong with people theses days? What ever happened to the "Golden Rule"? As a child my mother taught me that if I wanted people to be nice to me I needed to be nice to them, so I tried. As a mother this is something that I have tried to teach my children; just to find out that it is not so easy to do in this day and age. Whatever happened to helping out friends and neighbors that needed it? Have we all become so detached form each other that we can't even manage to have the simplest manners? I believe this to be a symptom of a larger problem. Our society has become so suspicious. Everyone acts like everyone else is out to get them. How did things go so far wrong? How did we as a people get to this place? I know there are alot of "bad" things in the world but if we all become overly paranoid about the "other guy" then our true nature gets buried. I honestly believe that most people are good and kind of heart and if this doesn't show because we are afraid of the repercussions then we as a people are doomed to fail! PLEASE be kind to your fellow man and remember, if you send good energy into the universe then that is what you will get back.


Scott Booker said...

I hear ya! The "Pay It Forward" policy is one that I always tend to live by!!

Packers, Pagans & People said...

it's a good policy...more people should try it!