Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Hurting Those You Love

I just do not understand!!!! Why is it that, in general, we tend to "abuse" the people who are closest to us; the people we claim to love?? Husband against wife, brother against sister, parent against child, friend against friend. Is it a sign of a larger societal issue? Let's face it, something is seriously wrong. Fighting with your spouse, just get a divorce. Political correctness? Are we as a society just becoming overly sensitive? Say this but don't say that!!! What happened to freedom of expression? WHY IS EVERYTHING WRONG THESE DAYS? I have a yahoo group that i dearly love but the infighting there in the last 24 hours has become unreasonable. I love a good debate but sometimes you have to just agree to disagree. It is our differences that makes this country great!!! Being tolerant is a must to live!!!! Don't we need to realize that; as different as people are, so will be their opinions. Shouldn't we embrace our differences and rejoice in them?

If you have an opinion on this please leave a comment. I would be greatly appreciated.


Scott Booker said...

As to why we abuse people the closest to us...

I have looked at this one I have previously done it and had it done to me. I think the main problem is that the reason it because that is who we are around. If we were around total strangers...I think we would abuse them. We have to let it out...and those around us take the wrath. What people have to learn is to control it....and realize what they are doing.

As for ANYTHING online...blogs, groups, etc....there are just people out there that are Drama seekers. And they create it no matter where they go online.

I think a good debate is a wonderful long as people keep it civil.

And just so you know...I have learned how to control my emotions very well!!!

Packers, Pagans & People said...

me too have learned to keep my temper down and let the rational side take control. this is an amazing thing considering the fact that i am a pisces and ruled by my emotions. don't get me wrong, i do snap sometimes but it is usually on the one causing the stress. maybe someday the rest of the world will be as ENLIGHTENED as we are. LOL :)

Scott Booker said...

I doubt it...

At least we have each other! LOL

Packers, Pagans & People said...

a few good friends are better than thousands of "fair weather" friends!!!!

Kimmy said...

I think that the reason we take it out on the people closest to us is because they are safe.

We are in an enviroment that allows us to "fight" and get it out and still be loved.

Like when a child says, "I hate you!" it isn't because they actually hate you, but subconciously know they can say that to you and you will still love them later when they apologize.

It crosses the line when it becomes abusive. Where is that line I think depends on who the person is.

I can't tolerate disrespect, so to me when I get it, it is abusive.

I hope that your group rectifies the sitch.

Yes, I think we should enjoy the differences in everyone.

I told a friend recently, "Isn't it good that we all have a different "type" of man, shoe, etc." Otherwise, we'd be fighting over the same person, the same goods, the same same same and that would be boring!

Let your freak flag fly. :)