Saturday, March 22, 2008

Spring In Wisconsin

Record snow fall in Madison this year! As of Saturday march 8th, they are at 99.5 inches; WOW. And just think, a couple of days ago the snow was almost gone...ARG!!! I HATE snow! I am so ready for spring i am about to come out of my skin. The thought of my garden coming in and blooming makes me want to jump for joy. Needs to happen faster. Yes, i do have a HUGE case of spring fever. Imagine a sea of flowers in all the colors of the earth. Roses, Lilies, Viola, Peonies, Irises, etc., etc., etc. Bleeding Heart with it's delicate fern-like foliage and heart shaped blooms of pink and white. Good-bye father winter; HELLO goddess spring we welcome you with open arms and over flowing hearts. I will post some pictures later as the garden comes in, so make sure you are checking back to see my beauties!!!!! Happy Easter to all!


Scott Booker said...

awwwwwwwwwwwwwww....Spring!! I am sitting here looking out at the window at the snow falling...picturing nothing but flowers and sunshine!!

Hope you are doing good!!!

Packers, Pagans & People said...

i know what you mean about the is snowing here right now.yuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!