Thursday, March 13, 2008


Yeah hoo!!!!!! The sun is shining! The snow is melting! And I think I am going to have a good day today!!!! This is the first morning in a long time that I have woke up happy; actually feel really happy today. Do not know why; do not care, am just glad to be feeling on the upside today. I was getting tired of feeling like crying all the time. Needed a day to be upbeat. The sunshine and the onset of spring has something to do with it I am sure. Speaking of spring , my seeds have sprouted and look wonderful. The habanero peppers have really taken off, most of them are about 3 inches tall already. Am currently hardening them off so they can go in little pots to await the temperatures that will allow them to survive outside. Not even sure why I am still growing these, they are for the "hubby", they are too HOT for this little girl. Gonna have major amounts of poppies as well. Thank the goddess that I have a freind with plenty of room to take any extras that I may have. I am so excited at the thought of getting my hands into my garden. There is nothing more satisfiing than watching my garden come in every year and knowing that it is there because of my love and care. Planted lots of new bulbs last fall, can't wait to see them all bloom this year. May you all have a beautiful day!


Scott Booker said...

I am so glad that you are having a "HAPPY" day!! You needed one!!

Those Habaneros sound good. I cant eat them my health wont take it...but I do love the hot and spicey! :)

Hope the Happy Day turns into the Happy Week and beyond!

Packers, Pagans & People said...

thanks scott-did you get the e-mail i sent you?

Scott Booker said...

Not yet....I tend to forget to check my email on google. I will go check now! : )

Kimmy said...

Wow, I have lots of new friends now thanks to Scott.

Oh my, it WAS a beautiful day in Wisconsin today, wasn't it?

I LOVE poppies. They are magical. When the wind hits them just right, they dance.

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm gonna check back to see if you are still having a good day tomorrow. I'm pretty sure you will.

You know what always makes me happy? Walk into a Target store. The red just puts a bounce into your step.

Oh, and take a friend and grab lunch, that will keep the happy flowing!

Have a great week!!!

Kimmy said...

Hey! It's Friday! That's another reason to be happy!

Hope today is a great day!

Scott Booker said...

Have a GREAT week-end!! See ya next week!